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Triple Store

Submitted by rnsrk on

WissKI needs a triple store as a RDF graph database. We recommend Ontotexts GraphDBfree. You have to register on the website to get your downloadfile, but the software itself is free of charge.

Install GraphDB

As soon as you receive your download email, you can install GraphDB as a desktop Installation or a stand alone server. For Ubuntu just download the *.deb package and install it. After the installation you can start GraphDBfree and open the workbench at http:// website-name ... is your (future) registered second level domain without http://www. like - even If you are working on a local machine and want to migrate to a server later. :7200 or http://localhost:7200 if you are on your localhost.

Configure GraphDB

On the GraphDB Workbench, click on Setup Repositories Create new repository, select GraphDB Free, enter your repository-id ... is the machine name of the repository, i. e. default-adapter, backend-data or just wisski. a administrative name in the Discription field and select no inference as the ruleset. Click Create and note your repository-endpoint ... is the uri, where you can reach a SPARQL endpoint for the communication with a triple store, i. e. Please note that some triple stores have different endpoint for reading and writing, like GraphDB endpoint for writing statements, has a trailing /statements, so that the full uri looks like .

Configure WissKI Salz Adapter

Go to Configuration WissKI Salz Adapters and click on + Add WissKI Salz Adapter. Select Sparql 1.1 With Pathbuilder. Enter an repository-id ... is the machine name of the repository, i. e. default-adapter, backend-data or just wisski. as your Adapter Name, and check Preferred Local Store. Fill the field Endpoint URI for reading with your repository-endpoint ... is the uri, where you can reach a SPARQL endpoint for the communication with a triple store, i. e. Please note that some triple stores have different endpoint for reading and writing, like GraphDB endpoint for writing statements, has a trailing /statements, so that the full uri looks like and the field Endpoint URI for writing with repository-endpoint ... is the uri, where you can reach a SPARQL endpoint for the communication with a triple store, i. e. Please note that some triple stores have different endpoint for reading and writing, like GraphDB endpoint for writing statements, has a trailing /statements, so that the full uri looks like /statements. As default-graph-uri ... is the leading IRI of your entities, which is used to identify and refer to objects of your knowledge domain, i. e. Everytime you create a entity related to a adapter with the namespace, WissKI place this iri before the entity id. , enter a unique namespace related to your project or site. Click Save.

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