XAMPP is a free Apache distribution containing MariaDB, PHP, and Perl and suitable for test environments.
XAMPP should not be used as a productive environment for security reasons. In addition to that, it really lacks performance, so only use it for testing or very small instances.
XAMPP is most suitable for Windows and MacOS users and for testing or development environments. Have in mind, that there are more appropriate install options for Linux users.
Visit apachefriends.org and select the installer for your operating system and follow the instructions.
For Windows-Users:
Install XAMPP at C:/ to avoid permission problems. You may will be asked to permit access to your networks, please allow this. After the installation, start the XAMPP Control Panel.
XAMPP Control Panel
You can start the Apache and MySQL Server by clicking the Start button. Permit access to your network again, if necessary. Open phpMyAdmin by clicking Admin. Create a new database by clicking New in the left control panel and enter a name for your drupal-database ... is the SQL database where mainly Drupal stores data; but since WissKI intermediates between Drupal and triple store, it saves some data at the SQL database, too. .
Install Drupal
Now download drupal from drupal.org and save the zip file at your
... is the place of your webapp files, usually a subdirectory of your XAMPP installation directory, i. e. C:/xampp/htdocs or /opt/xampp.
and unzip it. Rename the unzipped folder to drupal. Visit http://localhost/drupal in your browser. Set you language to English and select Standard as your installation profile. You may need to enable some extensions, in this case gd and opcache. To do so, open your XAMPP Control Panel again and click on Config PHP (php.ini) in the Apache row. Change the line ;extension=gd
to extension=gd
and the line ;zend_extension=opcache
to zend_extension=opcache
by removing the leading semicolon. Restart the Apache Server by clicking Stop and Start in the Apache Row on the XAMPP Control Panel. Refresh the page by clicking try again at the bottom. Enter the name of your
... is the SQL database where mainly Drupal stores data; but since WissKI intermediates between Drupal and triple store, it saves some data at the SQL database, too.
as the Database Name and root as the Database username.
Notice that the Database password for root is empty. This is a high security risk on productive environment and only suitable for development or testing server. Be sure to secure your database when you migrate.
On the Configuration site form, enter your website-name ... is your (future) registered second level domain without http://www. like wisski.com - even If you are working on a local machine and want to migrate to a server later. , server-admin-mail ... is the email address of the server admin, i. e. admin@wisski.com. , drupal-user ...is the login-user for your drupal instance, i. e. admin. and drupal-user ...is the login-user for your drupal instance, i. e. admin. -password.
Congratulations, you installed Drupal!
Install Composer
WissKI needs composer to manage the repositories, please follow the steps at the composer getting started page.
Install WissKI
Open a terminal and change to your drupal folder inside your htdocs-directory ... is the place of your webapp files, usually a subdirectory of your XAMPP installation directory, i. e. C:/xampp/htdocs or /opt/xampp. , i.e with:
cd C:\xampp\htdocs\drupal
and type:
composer require drupal/devel drush/drush drupal/inline_entity_form drupal/wisski
Then change to your WissKI Module folder by, i.e with:
cd C:\xampp\htdocs\drupal\web\modules\contrib\wisski
and update WissKI dependencies, with:
composer update
Navigate to Manage Extend and check:
- WissKI Core
- WissKI Pathbuilder
- WissKI Sparql1.1. Adapter with Pathbuilder
- WissKI Store Abstraction Layer Zero
Click Install.
You've successfully installed WissKI!
WissKI basis configuration
Navigate to Manage Configuration WissKI Configuration (WissKI section) and check Do you want to use only main bundles for display? and Do you want to use views for navigation? at the Miscellaneous settings and click Save.
Then, navigate to Manage Configuration Performance (Development section) and uncheck Aggregate JavaScript files.